Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Sunday, November 22, 2015
The Dome of “the Rock” and Its False Picture of a “Muslim Jerusalem”: Part 12
The Dome of “the Rock” and Its False Picture of a “Muslim Jerusalem”: Part 12
SPECIAL NOTICE Saturday May 24–Tuesday May 27
Your humble servant is on his way
from his home in the United States to his home in Israel and will
update this blog sporadically for the next 72 hours. Thank you for your
UPDATES 7 pm Israel time, Friday, May 23 2014:**Within the last two hours, Israeli soldiers have come under attack on the Gaza border and an Israeli community (unnamed for security reasons) has been struck by two rockets fired by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza. Apparently no one has been physically wounded in either assault.
In a related development, Islamic Jihad announced this afternoon that it is joining forces with Hamas and Fatah (PLO).
**The tale of two media . . . yesterday Bloomberg media published an interview between journalist Jeffrey Goldberg with PM Benjamin Netanyahu.
Here is the headline about the interview in the “leftist” Yedioth Aharonot newspaper today:
“PM Mulls Unilateral Disengagement From West Bank”
Here is the headline about the interview from the “centrist” Jerusalem Post newspaper today:
“Netanyahu Could Be Open To Exploring Annexation Plans if Peace Process Fails”
Here’s what Netanyahu actually said:
“It’s true that the idea of taking unilateral steps is gaining ground, from the center-left to the center-right. Many Israelis are asking themselves if there are certain unilateral steps that could theoretically make sense. People also recognize that the unilateral withdrawal from Gaza didn’t improve the situation or advance peace – it created Hamastan, from which thousands of rockets have been fired at our cities.”
Unilateral steps yes. Unilateral disengagement no.
**Fantastic news! On next Wednesday, Jerusalem Day, it will be announced that the Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue, which was dynamited and destroyed by the Jordanians and “Palestinians” when they ethnically cleansed the Jewish Quarter of the Old City in 1948, will be rebuilt.
The Israeli government is funding the rebuilding at a cost of 50 million shekels.
famed Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue as it once was. Soon, its imposing
structure will once again help define the skyline of Jerusalem.
Today, we come to the 12th of 13 installments in our series on the Dome of “the Rock”.
The year is 1857 CE. We have come a long way since Solomon built the First Temple over the Foundation Stone–2,807 years to be exact.
The Ottoman Turks still have control over Jerusalem, but the British are exerting their power in the wake of the Crimean War. The Temple Mount has just been opened to Jewish and Christian visitors every day of the week except Friday.
Nevertheless, 341 years of Turkish Muslim neglect has had its effect on the holiest site in Judaism (and on Jerusalem itself).
One of the first photographs we have of the Dome of “the Rock”–or better named “The Building Over the Foundation Stone” show a weeded site devoid of people:
Here is a picture of the Foundation Stone dated 1900:
Note the caption on the pictures: “The Sacred Rock, where the Temple Altar stood, Mt. Moriah, Jerusalem, Palestine.”
Here is an aerial view of Jerusalem from 1918–made by the British Air Force after the British took over:
During the time from 1857 through the British mandate from 1918-1948, the situation on the Temple Mount remained the same.
Jews were permitted to ascend to the spot where the Holy of Holies stood–but orthodox Jews especially came under strict prohibitions from orthodox rabbis to not do so. Various reasons were given–one of which was incredibly specious. The reasoning was that since “no one new where the Holy of Holies had been”, then a person on the Mount might violate that holy space by being there.
Nevertheless, Jews of all stripes, especially secular Jews continued to make their way to the Mount.
From 1948 to 1967, the Jordanians took control of the Old City of Jerusalem and threw out every single Jewish inhabitant. Because of this ethnic cleansing, no Jew appeared on the Mount in those years.
But the situation changed dramatically in 1967, as we shall read in our next and final blog in this series tomorrow.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Spear of Destiny
"When Jesus had taken the wine, he said, "It is finished."
And bowing his head, he handed over the spirit. Now since it was
preparation day, in order that the bodies might not remain on the cross
on the sabbath, for the sabbath day of that week was a solemn one, the
Jews asked Pilate that their legs be broken and they be taken down. So
the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first and then of the other
one who was crucified with Jesus. But when they came to Jesus and saw
that he was already dead, they did not break his legs, but one soldier
thrust his lance into his side, and immediately blood and water flowed
out. An eyewitness has testified, and his testimony is true; he knows
that he is speaking the truth, so that you also may (come to) believe.
For, this happened so that the scripture passage might be fulfilled: "Not a bone of it will be broken" (John 19:36). And again another passage says: "They will look upon him whom they have pierced" (Zech. 12:10).
is a legend in Christianity that had once captured the collective
imagination of Christendom but has fallen, like the Christian religion
itself, into decline. All true Christians knew of it and was regarded by
them as proof of both the Providential nature of existence and God's unbounded power and ineffable wisdom. The legend is that of the Holy Lance also known as the Spear of Destiny.
To prove that He was dead, a Roman Centurion named in extra-Biblical tradition as Caius Cassius Longinus stabbed Him in the side with a spear out of which poured blood and water.
Although the Gospel of John
does not name the soldier who pierced Christ's side it is given in the
oldest known references to the legend. These references are in the
apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus appended to late manuscripts of the 4th century called Acts of Pilate.
Here, the soldier is identified as a Roman Centurion called Logginus or
Longinus. The name also appears on a miniature in the so-called Rabula
Gospels produced in AD 586 and conserved in the Laurentian Library,
Florence. In the miniature, the name "Loginos" is written in Greek above the head of the soldier who is thrusting his lance into Christ's side.
The Ahrimanic Deception
is vast and its effects truly enormous. It operates throughout all and
every level of human society and organisation and in certain aspects of
the human psyche and soul in all mortal men. It is one of the main
mechanisms used by the hierarchies of Evil to usurp creation, that is,
the wholesale corruption of man. This is the fallen human condition
personified in the tragic figure of Judas Iscariot who during the Mystery of Golgotha became possessed by a certain Evil. The Grail Knights in the Holy Grail Sagas called the personification of this type of Evil, Klingsor: the Ancient Persians called it Ahriman while the Christians called it Satan.
During His Earthly Ministry, Organised Evil continually confronted Jesus Christ. The human agents of Evil who orchestrated this opposition sat in the Sanhedrin and were influential members in the Sadducee and Pharisee cults.
The most obvious were, of course, Annas and Caiaphas, the aged advisor
to the Sanhedrin and the high priest of the Temple, who were the
spiritual leaders of "the Jews." These two men were the public face of Organised Evil that sought to extinguish the Christ Impulse at its birth by thwarting the consummation of the Passion of Christ.
To do this they knew they had to prove to the masses that Jesus Christ
was not the Messiah and was merely a heretic and potential usurper of
their (the Sadducees and the Pharisees) power. They also knew that the simple expedient to achieve this was the mutilation of Christ's body on the Cross at Calvary and thus the denying of prophecy.
The Ahrimanically-inspired conspirators who had engineered the Crucifixion also contrived to pre-empt the Messianic Inheritance
by mutilating the body of Jesus Christ. They thought they could do this
by convincing Pontius Pilate that since the next day was not only the
Sabbath, but also a very special Sabbath because it was the Passover, it
would be blasphemous to have bodies still pinned to crosses. Thus, they
told Pilate, they did not want the victims hanging there the next day,
which to them, "the Jews,"
was a very holy day and asked him to hasten their deaths by ordering
that their legs be broken so that their bodies could be taken down.
Governor Pilate granted their wish and ordered the ritual breaking of
ancient Hebrew prophet Phineas had ordered a lance made, which
centuries later pierced Jesus' side and became known as the Holy Lance,
as a talisman of the Yahweh Covenant and its inherent Eugenic Imperative.
That is, he had the lance made as a magical symbol of the mystical
process inherent in the blood of the Israelites chosen by Yahweh as the
people destined to prepare the perfect human body as the perfect vessel for the Incarnation of Christ
- which occurred when the thirty year old Jesus, the perfect human
vessel, was baptised in the River Jordan by John the Baptist (Matt.
3:13). When "the heavens were opened unto him" and he received the "Spirit of God" that descended "like a dove, and lighting upon him" (Matt. 3:16) and when "a voice from heaven" declared "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (Matt. 3:17). That is, the fateful time when the human Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph, became the divine-human Jesus Christ the true and only Saviour of men.
The veiled mystery of the Old Covenant
with Yahweh (represented by the relationship between Yahweh and His
great prophet Moses) had exhausted itself. It has lost its vitality,
validity and power. With its great, fateful task completed, its
relevance had also ended. For now, a New Covenant
had superseded it and a new God had come to offer guidance and hope of
salvation to all of mankind. A new perspective presented itself to
humans, a new vista in the destiny of humanity had opened the heavens to
all mankind, and a new form of Christian initiation had been born: the Christianity of the Holy Grail.
A Legend of World-Historic Destiny
arose around the Spear used by the Roman Centurion Caius Cassius
Longinus to pierce the side of Christ on the Cross at Calvary. This
legend give purpose and meaning to Christians in the early centuries but
its influence has waned in the last 500 years such that very few
understood the deep significance of the Spear in mankind's destiny. That
is, the fading collective memory of Christendom concerning the Lance
that pierced Christ's side, which had been associated with a Legend of World Destiny throughout its entire history.
The so-called Vienna Lance (also called the Lance of St Maurice, the Holy Lance of Hapsburg and the Hofburg Spear) is preserved among the Reichkleinodien (Imperial Regalia) of the house of Hapsburg at the Treasure House (Schatzkammer)
of the Hofburg museum in Vienna. The spearhead consists of two parts
held together by a silver sheath. A nail has been inserted into the
blade and held in place by gold, copper and silver threads. The
enshrined nail is purported to be one of the nails of the Crucifixion that St Helena was reputed to have found at Calvary and brought to Milan. A silver band with the inscription "Nail of Our Lord" was later added based on the belief that this was the lance of Constantine the Great, which enshrined the nail used for the Crucifixion found by Helena, his mother.
The first mention of the Vienna Lance, the Hofburg Spear, is in the Saxon Chronicles
when it is the prized possession of Otto the Great, who carried it as a
talisman in the battle of Lech when his army defeated the Mongol horde.
It was mentioned again when Pope John XII used it to bless Otto,
touching his shoulder with it in a holy rite to establish Otto's claim
to be Holy Roman Emperor.
possess this Spear and understands the powers it serves holds in his
hands the destiny of the world for good or evil." Old Prophecy.
In the Gospel according to John the Apostle immediately after the Jesus' death "… one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water" (19:34). This act both sanctified the weapon and elevated the soldier who wielded it to a great Christian hero.
commonly held view of this curious event is this. Ancient Rome employed
crucifixion as a humiliating form of punishment and execution for
barbarians, slaves and people considered beneath the dignity of Roman
citizenship. Thus, a Roman citizen was never crucified no matter what
the offence. Crucifixion was a very slow and agonising death and its
victims often languished in agony on the cross for several days.
However, death could be quickened by breaking the legs (a practice known
as crurifragium) so that the victim could no longer push up with their feet for gasps of air.
Romans thus planned to break Jesus' legs, which was a routine method of
hastening death during a crucifixion. Hence, as evening approached they
planned to perform this gruesome task upon the three dying bodies
pinned to the crosses at Calvary. The Roman soldiers duly broke the legs
of the two thieves crucified alongside Jesus Christ.
"Then came the soldiers, and brake the legs of the first, and of the other which was crucified with him" (John 19:32)
However, when they reached Jesus, they realised that Jesus was already dead and that there was no reason to break his legs.
"But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs" (John 19:32)
Such is the common view of one of the most curious events occurring at the Cross at Calvary. However, as most things associated with the Mystery of Golgotha, this event has far, far more significance than that accorded it in the familiar version.
Roman Catholic interpretation of this event is that the gushing blood
and water represents their Roman Church (more specifically, the
sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist), just as Eve was taken from the
side of Adam. However, the orthodox Christian view (employing an
allegorical interpretation) is now this: that the Roman Centurion used a
spear and pierced Jesus' right side out of compassion to Jesus Christ,
and also to determine whether He was dead. By doing this, the soldier
followed the dictates of divine Providence. His act of spite tempered
with compassion acted to remove any doubt that He had really died, and
was not taken down alive from the cross. Thus, when the spear pierced
Messiah's side proving physical death there could be no doubt of the
truth of the Resurrection, when He appeared alive again.
flowing water and blood can also signify two mystical events: the act
of baptism and the Lord's Supper. Both are of Christ's appointing, both
arise from Him, and both refer to His sufferings and death. The blood
and water that flowed from the pierced side of the Redeemer also
signifies the two great benefits all believers partake of through
Christ: the blessings of sanctification and justification. The grace of
the "sanctification" represented by the water, as it frequently is in Scripture and the "justification"
by the blood: the water for purification, the blood for atonement, and
both from Christ. The great sacrifice of Christ, of Christ crucified,
humanity owes merit for its justification, and Spirit and grace for its
sanctification. That is, there came both water and blood out of Jesus'
pierced side, both to justify and sanctify all those who believe in Him.
The orthodox Christian view of the most curious event occurring at the Cross at Calvary
is thus that by mans' sins the Son of God sacrificed Himself and shed
from His wounded side both water and blood, that all who believe might
be justified and sanctified in His name. Furthermore, that Longinus' act
of compassion ensured Scripture was fulfilled by not allowing His legs to be broken:
"He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken" (Psalms 34:20).
early Christian community at Jerusalem understood that because Jesus'
bones had not been broken and His side was pierced as further proofs
that He was who He said He was; the Messiah prophesied in Scripture by the Old Testament prophets: That the Messiah shall be pierced and His bones shall not be broken.
Centurion's spear had made such a wound no human body could survive.
However, that the Apostle John so solemnly attested to the act hints at
something peculiar, something supernatural in it, something of great
historical significance. Hence, the reason why the early Christians
understood the Spear used at the Crucifixion to wound the side of Christ
to be a holy relic possessed of phenomenal talismanic power.
"Then Longinus, a certain soldier, taking a spear, pierced his side, and presently there came forth blood and water" (Nicodemus 7:8). The
apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus is a duplicate composition in two parts,
which are The Acts of Pilate and The Descent of Christ to the Lower
World. The author is unknown but was obviously a Jewish Christian of the
first century AD since he wrote for this class and was anxious to
establish his authority by providing evidence from the mouths of the
enemies of Jesus Christ, and especially, those of the Sanhedrin
connected with the events before and after the death of Jesus.
Cassius, later called Longinus, was nearly blind due to cataracts in
both eyes, which affected his usefulness as an active soldier.
Therefore, he was assigned less arduous duties including reporting upon
the political and religious scene in Jerusalem and observing the
crucifixion of Rome's enemies. It was in this capacity that for two
years he followed the activities of one Jesus from Nazareth. A man who
declared himself Messiah and by that appeared to cause such unrest it
threatened the power of Rome in Palestine. It was also the reason why he
attended the Crucifixion as witness to the execution of one of Rome's
However, as the aged, almost
blind veteran soldier watched the unfolding scene he, like the
Legionnaires carrying out the execution of "the Nazarene,"
was deeply impressed by the courage, majesty and bearing of the man who
declared himself Messiah. Such that when the Temple Guard began to
carry out its gruesome task, and the Legionnaires turned away in
disgust, the aged soldier stood witness as the bodies and bones of the
two thieves, Gestas and Dismas nailed to the crosses on either side of
Jesus Christ, were shattered. The aged warrior was repelled by what he
saw and was so touched by Jesus' great humility and courage he was
suddenly seized by a compulsion to protect the body of the Nazarene.
as the Temple Guard readied to break the bones of Jesus Christ the old
soldier reined his horse and charged towards the high central cross.
Bursting through the group, he snatched the Captain's symbol of
authority, the Spear of Antipas, and thrust it into the right side of
Jesus Christ. The spear point pierced the chest between the fourth and
fifth ribs. The old warrior had done what was the custom of Roman
soldiers on the field of battle when they sought to determine that a
wounded enemy was truly dead. He stabbed Christ's body between the
fourth and fifth ribs: for the blood does not flow from a dead, lifeless
body. Yet, "forthwith came there out blood and water" (19:34).
When Gaius Cassius carried out his magnificent part that Fate
allotted him to perfection his blindness was miraculously cured after
he thrust the Spear into the side of Christ and some of the redemptive
blood fell into his eyes. It was then he exclaimed: "Truly this man was the Son of God" (Mark 15:39).
Cassius, the old Roman Centurion who carried out a martial deed out of
great and sudden compassion to protect Jesus Christ's body, was
converted to Christianity and became known as Longinus the Spearman.
Moreover, within Jerusalem's first Christian community he became a great
hero and revered as almost a saint. For, he was both witness and prime
actor in the shedding of the Blood of the New Covenant and the
Spear, the ancient lance forged by Phineas, became its symbol. Further,
and most significant, it was said that for a brief moment in Time he had
held the destiny of the whole of mankind in his hands.
Cassius, later called Longinus, the Roman Centurion who used a Spear to
pierce the side of Christ as He hung on the cross later become an early
convert to Christianity. His seemingly rash act, motivated by a sudden
compassion for the suffering Nazarene, played a crucial role in the
completion of ancient prophecy as well as the consummation of mythology.
For, the Spear wielded by Longinus, bathed in the blood of the Lamb
played a significant role in the fulfilment of Old Testament
prophecy. Consequently, the Spear bathed in Messiah's divine-human blood
was believed by early Christians to have acquired tremendous mystical
power as the healing of Gaius Cassius's failing eyesight by blood from
the wound gives clarion testament.
Spear, in which one of the nails from the Cross was later embedded,
became one of the greatest treasures of Christendom. The remarkable
history of the lance and its singular use at Golgotha nurtured a unique
legend, which gained strength in the subsequent centuries. Especially,
the idea that whoever possessed it and understood the powers it served
held the destiny of the world in his hands for Good or Evil. That is, the idea that the Spear was a great, mystic talisman of World-Historic Destiny and so was verily the Spear of Destiny.
Hagiography associated with the Legend of Longinus, especially the apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus,
fleshes out the brief mentions of him in the synoptic Gospels. It tells
of how Longinus received a spear (supposedly used by him at Golgotha)
as a gift from his grandfather, whom had received it from Julius Caesar
(100-44 BC) the conqueror of Gaul and master of Italy. Caesar's gift to
Longinus' grandfather was for his outstanding military service in the
conquest of Gaul.
The Legend of Longinus
tells how he become an early convert, left the army and studied under
the Apostles, and ultimately became a cleric in the First Church,
ministering at Caesarea in Cappodocia.
Longinus, because of his new faith, soon conflicted with Roman law and Jewish religious authority ("the Jews")
and was involved with yet another miraculous cure. The legend records
how the authorities arrested and tortured him by pulling all his teeth
from his mouth and cutting off his tongue. However, despite these
tortures, Longinus continued to speak clearly. He then, as the Roman
governor watched, picked up an axe, smashed several pagan idols, and as
these symbols shattered, the demons that had resided in them attacked
the governor, depriving him of his sight and driving him mad.
hagiography then gives account of another miraculous healing involving
Longinus. The legend tells of how the centurion-turned-cleric told the
distraught governor he would regain his sight immediately upon his
(Longinus) death. Therefore, not unnaturally, the governor ordered
Longinus' immediate death. Longinus was beheaded but some of his blood
splashed into the governor's eyes, restoring his sight; a miracle
representing a faint echo of the Mystery at Golgotha. The hagiography associated with the Legend of Longinus
ends with this miracle involving the governor, who soon converted to
the Christian faith. Relics and antiquities said to be associated with
Gaius Cassius, later called Longinus, now known as "St Longinus,"
are kept in the church of St Augustine in Rome. The Catholic Church
celebrates the feast of Longinus on the Ides of March, the March 15,
which is the date his namesake, Gaius Cassius Longinus the Roman
Senator, instigated the assassination of Julius Cesar.
Spear used by Longinus, seemingly in a spontaneous act born of a sudden
compassion, at the most critical point in human history has garnered
not only great mystical powers but also various names. It is variously
called the Spear of Longinus, the Lance of Longinus, the Holy Spear, the Holy Lance (the Heilige Lance), the Spear of Christ and the Spear of Destiny.
fateful Spear that pierce the side of Christ as He hung on the cross
subsequently passed through a multitude of hands, eventually becoming
the possession of certain medieval kings. These kings and their
immediate circle helped greatly to shape and mould Europe
in ways that would prepare the way for the consummation of History
itself. However, as Christendom suffered ceaseless and remorseless
assault by the Powers of Darkness, the Christian religion became riven with internal dissent, and the individual sunk ever deeper in the miasma of materialism, the significance of Longinus's act, and of the Spear, and of the Legend of Longinus became devalued and almost lost.
The Powers of Darkness, the true Lords of Power on Earth, have worked to bring the Ahrimanic Deception
to its fullest expression at the very time it would be its most potent.
They have largely succeeded such that today at the most fateful and
terrible times in human history, a time when wisdom and understanding is
most needed, the vast majority are rendered ignorant and blind. The Lords of Power on Earth, who are verily the Masters of Illusion, seek to blind the masses to the dark agendas unfolding in the Arena of History
and lull them into a false sense of security. They seek to swathe a
veil of secrecy over their wicked activities so that the public cannot
comprehend the enormity of the Evil involved. In other words, the Masters of Illusion use the Ahrimanic Deception
to veil Truth and Wisdom and foist spiritual deceptions upon humanity.
That is, weave a web of subtle deceits and delusions that trap the
unwary in the superficialities and distractions of corrupt civilisation
thereby making them indolent and oblivious to their pitiful condition.
Another telling example of the Ahrimanic Deception
is how the great significance of Longinus' act has been concealed. How
the common view, the orthodox Christian view, of one of the most curious
events occurring at the Cross at Calvary has removed its most
significant components. Recognition of these most significant components
is the reason why the Spear that pierced the side of Jesus Christ is
also called the Spear of Phineas.
Spear of Longinus is the ancient, mystical lance used by the Roman
Centurion Caius Cassius Longinus to pierce the side of Christ on the
cross to prevent the mutilation intended for Him by the human agents of Evil. It is a great talisman that is also known as the Holy Spear, the Holy Lance and the Spear of Christ. It is also called the Spear of Destiny and because of this, the Spear of Phineas.
The first Christians knew (as did their spiritual enemies) that the Messianic Inheritance would have been thwarted if the bones of Christ had been shattered contrary to the mysterious prophecy of Isaiah that "a bone of him shall not be broken" and another scripture "They shall look on him whom they pierced" (John 19:36-37).
As the chief human agents of Evil, Annas, Caiaphas and other Jewish leaders also understood that the Messianic Inheritance
would be thwarted if the bones of Christ had been shattered contrary to
the mysterious prophecy of Isaiah. Consequently, they conspired to have
Jesus' body mutilated.
As the great drama unfolded and the hours passed Annas, who was an authority on Jewish Law, knew that "the Law"
decreed that no man should be executed on the Sabbath Day (i.e.
Saturday). It was a Friday afternoon (5th April 33 AD) and evening
approached as the leaders of "the Jews"
petitioned the Roman procurator of Judaea, Pontius Pilate for the
authority to break the legs of the crucified men so that they would die
before dusk. Thus, we read:
"The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away" (John 19:31).
The Captain of the Temple
guard, under orders from his high priests, proceeded up the hill, which
in Hebrew is called Golgotha, on whose summit were the three crosses
upon which hung Jesus and the two thieves. He carried with him a certain
Spear as symbol of his authority to oversee the mutilation of Jesus'
body. As the gruesome ritual began, the Roman soldiers turned away as
the Temple guards broke the legs of the two thieves. Then as they
readied themselves to break Jesus' legs, the Roman Centurion observing
the crucifixions suddenly snatched the Spear from the grip of the
Captain of the Temple guard and plunged it into the side of Christ. An
act by which the pagan Roman Centurion unwittingly fulfilled the
prophecy of Ezekiel: "They shall look upon Him whom they have pierced" (Zech. 12:10).
The Roman Centurion's seemingly rash act, motivated by a sudden, overwhelming compassion, had thwarted the dark ambition of "the Jews" who had sought to deny both Christ's divinity and his Messianic Inheritance.
The Roman Centurion's martial act had not only frustrated the high
priests' plan to pre-empt ancient prophecy by breaking Jesus' bones but
also it had, with the piercing of Messiah's side, fulfilled prophecy and
consummated mythology in its entirety.
Spear wielded by Longinus, which became bathed in the divine-human
blood of the Lamb, was seized from Captain of the Temple guard. That is,
it was not an ordinary Roman spear or indeed an ordinary weapon since
it was brandished as a symbol of great authority. The spear held by the
Captain of the Temple guard as symbol of his authority was a very
ancient weapon. It was at the time the Spear of Herod Antipas, King of
the Jews, and used at Calvary as symbol of the Captain of the Temple
guard's authority to carry out the act of mutilation. If he did not have
the Spear, the Legionnaires would not have allowed him to perform crurifragium: the ritual breaking of legs.
Spear of Herod Antipas was an ancient lance of great talismanic power
and prime symbol of authority. Antipas' father Herod the Great, the King
of Judaea, held the Spear as insignia of his power to order the death
of all children under age two in Bethlehem in an attempt to slay the
Christ child, who it was prophesied would grow up and be called the "King of the Jews."
Therefore, it was the very same Spear carried by the Captain of the
Temple guard on behalf of Herod the Great's son as symbol of his
authority to break the bones of Jesus Christ.
The Spear used by the Edomite kings (the two Herods calling themselves the "Kings of Judaea")
for evil purposes was an ancient lance, which had been used as a
magical talisman of power since its conception. It was the Spear Joshua
raised when he signalled to his soldiers to shout the great shout, which
crumbled the walls of Jericho (Josh. 6). Moreover, it was the very same
javelin Saul, the first King of the Israelites, used in jealous rage in
his attempt to kill David (1 Sam. 19:9-10).
The Spear used by its possessors at fateful times for either good or evil, and used by Longinus for infinite good at the Cross at Calvary, was a talisman of power from the beginning. It was from its very inception a talisman of World-Historic Destiny.
For, the ancient Hebrew prophet Phineas had ordered the Spear forged as
symbol of the magical powers inherent in the blood of the Israelites
who were verily "God's Chosen People."
Phineas (or Phinehas: meaning "bold aspect," "face of trust" or "protection")
was the son of Eleazar and grandson of Aaron and an ancestor of Ezra.
He was chief of the Korahite Levites (1 Chron. 9:20), and succeeded his
father as high priest and while he was in that office it was he who
delivered the oracle's decision to fight Benjamin that precipitated the
civil war with the Benjaminites (Judges 20:28).
To the modern man drenched in materialism whose thoughts and opinions are fashioned by the Thought Tyranny of Politically Correctness,
Phineas would be considered a zealot and bigot. They would judge his
passion and intense religious feeling as pietism at best, barbarism at
worst. They would look to his leading part in the cleansing of Israel
from whoredom at Shittim and his punishment of the brazen licentiousness
of Zimri, prince of Sirecon, by slaying both him and the Midianite
woman he had brought into camp as acts of extreme bigotry (Num.
25:6-18). Moreover, these modern minds emptied of all inspired thought
would also condemn Phineas's god, Yahweh
for not only condoning these acts of barbarism but also by rewarding
them by giving Phineas a covenant of peace, an everlasting priesthood
(Num. 25; Psalm. 106:30-31).
modern mind drained of the last vestige of spiritual sight cannot see
that in such acts by such men Divine Will is made manifest on Earth.
That when Phineas, in old age, stood before the Ark of the Covenant and
inquired of Yahweh for Israel, "shall I go yet again ... against Benjamin my brother?"
(Judges 20:23; 28) he was the representative of the purity and
brotherhood of Israel. Such mundane minds cannot comprehend that his
zeal in protecting the precious blood of "God's Chosen People"
served a high and noble purpose. That the same zeal for the purity and
brotherhood of Israel, held by him in old age as it had in his youth,
served Divine Will. That it served to preserve the special blood of the Israelites, but especially the Judahites,
so that it would eventually course through the veins of a body that
would be the earthly vessel of the cosmic Christ. That is, Phineas was a
major influence in the successful completion of the Yahweh's Eugenic Imperative to provide the perfect human body for the Incarnation of Christ.
Phineas ordered the Spear forged to symbolise the magical powers inherent in the blood, a bloodline free of Luciferic contamination, of God's Chosen People, but especially the Judahites - the people who were destined through descending generations of their blood to prepare the ideal human body for the coming Messiah.
The symbol
of the Israelite's purity of blood was thus the spear Phineas, under
divine guidance, had forged. The same spear brandished by the Captain of
the Temple guard on Golgotha and the same spear snatched by Longinus
who plunged it into Christ's side. Phineas had used it to slay an
Israelite and a Midianite who had fornicated together and so threatened
the purity of the precious Hebrew blood (Num. 25:6-18). Thus, by this
act the spear became symbol of the purity of the blood of God's Chosen People.
spear forged by Phineas was from its beginning a symbol of the purity
of a special blood –the blood of the Israelites, but especially the Judahites. He used it to slay an Israelite and a Midianite who had laid together, an act of apparent hate but in truth, a high symbol of Yahweh's Eugenic Imperative to ensure blood purity such that the Judahites could provide the perfect human body for the Incarnation of Christ.
However, since Good and Evil motives existed together in this act, the
Spear took on a dual nature: that is, its mystic powers could be used by
those who understood for both Good and Evil.
A hint of this Manichean duality
is given in the episode before the Apostle Paul's conversion. Here the
Pharisee and persecutor of early Christians (whose circumcision-name was
Saul, a native of Tarsus and a Roman citizen) alludes to the story of
Phineas. Saul, on the road to Damascus and before his conversion and
becoming Paul, alludes to this story of apparent violence and hate when
speaking of his hatred of Jesus and the vehemence of his persecution of
the Early Church. As far as Saul was concerned, "the Jews"
who followed Jesus Christ were abandoning the religion of their fathers
and should suffer the fate of the licentiousness of Zimri, prince of
Sirecon (Num. 25:6-18).
The first
Christians understood that if Evil (represented by Caiaphas and his
cohorts) had succeeded in breaking the bones of Jesus Christ the Resurrection,
as we know it, could not have been accomplished. Consequently, the
Roman Centurion who had been seized by the momentous moment and snatched
the Spear from the grip of the Captain of the Temple guard who carried
it as symbol of his authority to oversee the mutilation of Jesus' body,
had for a moment in time held the destiny of the whole of mankind in his
hands. It was for this reason that the ancient lance, forged by the
prophet Phineas as symbol of the magical powers inherent in the blood of
"God's Chosen People," became known as the Holy Lance and later the Spear of Destiny.
An epochal event to which John the Baptist give testimony:
"I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him [Jesus]. And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost. And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God" (John 1:32-34).
Phineas' lance was a vital symbol that represented the Yahweh Imperative: that a people were destined through descending generations of their blood to prepare the perfect human body for the coming Messiah. It was a divine mandate of unfathomable wisdom beyond the ken of all mortal men. Nevertheless, the Yahweh Covenant represented a concrete example of the sublime working of Providence and the ineffable means that is the unfolding of human destiny in the historical process.
Phineas' lance, the Spear of Phineas, which became known as the Holy Lance and later the Spear of Destiny, was a talisman of great spiritual power ever since it was forged as the magical symbol of the blood of God's Chosen People.
Yet, however great its magical powers were at its inception they were
made infinitely more powerful after Longinus used it at Golgotha. Once
it had pierced Jesus Christ's side, it was instantly changed into the
most important resonator of human spiritual faculties. The crucial role
the lance played in the singular and mighty ritual of the Crucifixion had made it one of the most powerful magical talismans possessed by mortal man.
Phineas' lance forged as the magical symbol of the blood of God's Chosen People became known as the Spear of Destiny
after it was used to pierce the side of Christ on the Cross and draw
forth Messiah's own divine-human blood. The mysterious life-blood that
as soon as it splashed onto the ground beneath the cross had began the
mysterious process that heralded a new phase in human evolution.
had not only used the Spear to thwart the Temple guards' dark ambition
to mutilate Messiah's body but had also caused the release of Christ's
blood that brought about the birth of the Cosmic Christ as the Earth Spirit. This slow descent of the Cosmic Christ from the highest celestial spheres and His becoming the Spirit of the Earth was the main concern of ancient mythology and part of the many great and weighty matters that is the Mystery of Golgotha.
instant the side of the divine-human called Jesus Christ was pierced
the sun darkened, the skies dimmed, the earth quaked. In the Temple
where Annas and Caiaphas eagerly awaited news of Messiah's mutilation
the Veil of the "Holy of Holies" in the Temple was rent from top to bottom (Matt. 27:51). As the veil of the Temple fell aside it exposed the black cube of the Old Covenant –the Yahweh Covenant- which at this most momentous time split along its sides and opened out in the form of a cross.
What had happened was this. Phineas's ancient lance, magical symbol of the blood of God's Chosen People, of the Israelites but especially the Judahites,
and used by Longinus to pierce Jesus Christ's side had become the
catalyst of momentous change in human history. Phineas's ancient lance
was not only a talisman of great spiritual power and symbol of the Yahweh Covenant but by Longinus' fateful use of it at the Cross at Calvary
it had become the most potent and important resonator of human
spiritual faculties. Moreover, it had now become a mystic catalyst that
had ended the imageless cult of Yahweh: a mystic catalyst that helped
complete the transition from the Yahweh Moon Phase to the Sun Phase of Christ.
That is, not only was the imageless cult of Yahweh ended but also
mythology in its entirety was consummated and the religion of the Open Heavens had begun.
The first man to publicly declare the new intuition of the Holy Grail was an old hermit living in a cave in the penal colony of Patmos and who wrote the last book of the Holy Bible. This, of course, was John the Apostle the author, under divine guidance, of the Book of Revelation, which the Catholics call Apocalypse.
all magical talismans, any discerning, willing and dedicated pupil who
seeks them out can also develop the powers associated with the Spear of Destiny.
Moreover, like all things in created Cosmos there is also a polarity
inherent within these powers, a duality, if you will. Therefore, there
is a polarity inherent in the powers of the Spear of Destiny. Such that
those who attempt to harness the Spear's absolute power can do so in the
service of both Good and Evil. Hence, the legend that has gained
strength with the passing centuries that says that whoever possesses the
Spear and understands the powers it serves has the destiny of the world
in his hands for Good or Evil. Just as had Centurion Longinus at the Cross at Calvary who for a moment in time held the destiny of the whole of mankind in his hands.
That is, those who understand the powers involved, and become active participants, are transformed into World-Historic figures whose lives represent a World-Historic Destiny. Such
towering figures in whose lives the fates of entire nations are
resolved are few in number. The great German philosopher Georg Wilhelm
Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) described such men as World-Historic-Heroes "who carry out the Will of the World Spirit, the very plan of Providence … World-Historic men –Heroes of the Epoch- [whose] deeds are the best of their time."
World-Historic-Heroes argued Hegel, cannot and should not be judged by mundane intellects or impeded by ordinary concerns. World-Historic-Heroes are not constrained by bourgeois morality or concerned with Christian principles:
"World history occupies a higher ground than one on which morality has properly its position, which is personal character and conscience of individuals. Moral claims which are irrelevant must not be brought into collision with world-historic deeds and their accomplishment. The litany of private virtues –modesty, humility, philanthropy and forbearance- must not be raised against them."
Put differently, Hegel's philosophy became drained of all morality when discussing the subject of World-Historic-Heroes. Hegel, the genius of Idealism, taught that World-Historic men, the Heroes of the Epoch,
are completely justified in all their actions. Moreover, that they are
far above censure or condemnation when they carry out such acts, even if
these acts contravene all moral and ethical standards, which fulfil
their personal destiny, and by that, World Destiny. Thus, World-Historic-Heroes who carry out World-Historic Deeds are justified in crushing all opposition to their actions or their Will.
It is, of course, a very persuasive and seductive variation of the
age-old argument used by tyrants and despots throughout history and a
precept of the Dark Empire of Secret Societies: that the end justifies the means.
two men understood: one was Napoleon the other was Adolf Hitler. These
two men sought to bring the world under their direct control. They were
possessed of the same dark spirit that will take full possession of the
soul of the man who will be the World Dictator in the coming New World Order. In this context, the Napoleon and Hitler and their vaunting ambitions of conquest are precursors to the coming World Tyranny of the New World Order.
Thus, these two would-be World Dictators
knew of, and understood, the legend associated with the Holy Lance, the
ancient lance forged by Phineas, that whoever possessed it would be
able to conquer the world. For, these two tyrants understood that the Legend of World History, of World-Historic Destiny,
associated with the Spear had been fulfilled, century after century,
for good or evil, depending upon the inner motives of the man who
possessed it.
Napoleon demanded the
Holy Lance after the Battle of Austerlitz when he defeated the Russian
armies of Czar Alexander I and the Austrian armies of Emperor Francis
II. His ambition was thwarted when it was smuggled out of Nuremberg
before the start of the fight by an occult order called the Germenenorder.
succeeded in taking possession of the Holy Lance and claimed it as his
own when he annexed Austria. When he was received in Vienna as a
conquering hero on 12th March 1938 and took possession of the Spear;
ordering it removed from the Hofburg Museum and sent to the St
Catherine's Church in the city of Nuremberg, the spiritual capital of
Nazi Germany.
The Spear of Phineas, which became known as the Holy Lance and the Spear of Destiny, seemed to have disappeared from history after its fateful use by Longinus when he used it to pierce Christ's side at the Crucifixion.
earliest mentioned of it is by a pilgrim, Antoninus of Piancenza, who
in AD 570 visited the Holy Land and the holy places of Jerusalem, who
tells us that in the basilica of Mount Zion he saw: "the crown of thorns with which Our Lord was crowned and the lance with which He was struck in the side."
Next, it appears in a miniature of the famous Syriac manuscript
illuminated by one Rabulas in the year AD 586, in which the incident of
the opening of Christ's side is given prominence.
Spear that pierced Christ's side was thus supposedly located and
venerated at Jerusalem at the close of the sixth century, and its
presence there is attested by Cassiodorus (c.485-c.585)
and after him by Gregory of Tours (c.538-94). However, the sacred relics
of the Passion fell into the hands of the pagans when in AD 615, the
Persian King Chosroes captured Jerusalem. It was during this time that
the supposed Spear of Phineas was broken and the point of the lance
separated from the shaft. It is at this time that the identity of the
Spear becomes even more confused. The Spear seems to disappear from view
and then later several spears reappear with seemingly genuine claims to
be the Spear that pierced Messiah's side.
the apparent disappearance from history and consequent confusion has
give rise to several spearheads scattered throughout Europe in palaces,
cathedrals, churches and museums being called the "Holy Lance." The most prominent are the Vatican Lance, the Vienna Lance, the Cracow Lance and the Echmiadzin Lance. Although all have a colourful history, and some appear legitimate, there can only be one true Holy Lance.
spear exists that is traceable to at least the third century AD. It was
a spear that was the treasured possession of Saxon Kings before it
became the millennium-long symbol of power to the Holy Roman Emperors.
This is the so-called Vienna Lance, the lance belonging to the Holy
Roman Emperors and attested from the time of Otto I (912-73), and which
has a very singular and unique history indeed.
Around 1350, by order of Charles IV, a golden sleeve inscribed with "Lancea et clavus Domini" ("Lance and nail of the Lord") was put over the silver one. The base of the spearhead is embossed with gold crosses.
to sceptics, the Vienna Lance has no greater claim to authenticity than
any of the other spearheads claiming to be the Holy Lance, even though
Napoleon and Hitler were firmly convinced that it had. The Proper Student of History who understands the way of the world and who carries out his own research concludes that the two would-be World Dictators are correct.
earliest record of the Holy Lance of Hapsburg was supposedly in 1273 AD
in the coronation ceremony of the Emperor of the West, the King of the
Germans and Holy Roman Emperor. However, its history is far, far older
than this.
the history of the Vienna Lance, the Hofburg Spear, appears sketchy and
incomplete, the diligent researcher can uncover a clear path back to its
creation by Phineas,
the ancient Hebrew prophet. Moreover, such diligent research would also
reveal the illustrious lives and powerful personalities involved with
the Spear as well as the dynasties of power who possessed it and used
its occult powers for Good or Evil. In other words, such research will
reveal that throughout the centuries the Legend of World-Historic Destiny of the Spear had been fulfilled for Good or Evil depending upon the inner motives of those who possessed the Spear.
diligent researcher will find that the Spear has changed hands from man
to man, from generation to generation, in a long chain of claimants who
held it with ever changing motives. They will also discover that it is
intimately associated with a particular family, a bloodline possessed of
innate clairvoyant powers, which because of this, is called the Grail Family.
diligent researcher will also discover how the mystical talisman was
used to satisfy both selfless and selfish acts. However, above all, they
will find that the passage of the Spear is intimately associated with
men, world-historic figures who Hegel called World-Historic-Heroes, the Heroes of the Epoch, involved in World-Historic events of World-Historic significance.
In other words, the alert researcher will sense that the Spear was the very pivot of World History.
Moreover, that the Spear somehow represents a great mystery. That this
mystery involves the idea that the Spear is a sort of resonator of
mystical power, which greatly influenced the men who possess it and the
times it passed through.
The sensitive will also sense that as the Holy Lance passed through history it appeared the very pointer of Fate itself. They will sense that the Spear at certain times, and repeatedly, had changed the course of European history and by this, the entire course of world history. Moreover, they will come to understand that the men who laid claim to the Spear, possessed it, and fulfilled its Legend of World-Historic Destiny were verily Heroes of the Epoch.
And to understand such things one must accept the reality of Fate, Providence, Karma, Reincarnation and the Christian concept of Grace.
Interview with Rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world
Interview with Rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world
Interview with Rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the worldРусская версия: Интервью с раввином Абэ Финкельштейномn
Zionist Rabbi Abe Finkelstein
Rabbi Abe Finkelstein interview – audio
And here is another explosive interview with Harold Wallace Rosenthal, pretty much along the lines of Jewish world domination and its principles of operation:
The Hidden Tyranny – Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview
And here you can see what their “god”, Lucifer, says about all of it.
Window of Opportunity – a Luciferian priest from “ruling family”
See also: ZioNazi Quotes – Chabad
See also: Rabbis Speak Out
- Holocaust of six million Jews
- Even when we lie we tell the truth!
- Goyim ARE cattle
- George Bush – a goyim, he is a good boy
- Slaughter in Palestine and Iraq
- Federal Reserve – taking over the money machine in the U.S.A.
- The goyim [non-Jews] are the schleppers – to do all the work
- The holocaust survivors scam
- The America has served its purpose
- Our god is Lucifer
- We like the goyim do the work and we have a party
- Destroying the U.S.A.
- Women like the diamonds, so we give it to them and screw them
- About 9/11
- The only conscience you have is when you can’t steal all the money from anyone or any country
- You are entitled to make money where you can make money
- If you are to have any opposition, you will control that opposition
- The woman’s rights movement
- The bottom line is that the Jews formed the U.S.A.
- We’ve made about 300 billion on Iraq
- You have to thin out the herd once in a while
- Russian revolution
- We’re gonna build up China and India, and we’ll just let America sink into the desert
- We know how to get the word out to every Jew in the world within 45 minutes
- We want the world of our own, and there’s nothing any of the goyim cattle are gonna do to stop us
- Where do the blacks fit in?
- We’re making a lot of money selling the drugs
- We had control since the civil war. Rothschild, he backed both sides of the civil war
- All we want them do is make a subsidence living, they could never afford to buy a house on their own
- They better not look too hard at us and accuse us, cause that’s anti-Semitism and we control the court system
- Jewish Passover and ritual sacrifice of children
- We can do whatever we want to do and we can get away with it cause the white men are cowards
- We did a pretty good job with the public school system
- God made gentiles because somebody has to pay retail
- You are eating your children in sausages and hamburgers
- We infiltrate the church and we attack them first
- Plan “B” – we formed the Jesuits to infiltrate all the protestant churches
- Ethiopic Jews are nothing but the schwatzers – pay us a few dollars and we teach you how to be a Jew
- Elisabeth Tailor – a good goyim schiksa donating a lot of money to the synagogue
- Who borrows is a slave to the lender
- Is communism Jewish?
I like to welcome you to John 8:44. I am James Wickstrom, a teacher of Yahweh, coming to you live on the Turner radio network for the next hour from nine to ten p.m. Eastern standard time, filling in for Pastor Bob, who covered for me last week.
We’re gonna have a very, very interesting program tonight. I am sure you’re gonna find it that way. I have a guest by the name Rabbi Abe Finkelstein. He is off the East Coast of the United States, who is gonna be joining me tonight, and we’re gonna be talking about authenticity of things in the world.
Rabbi Abe Finkelstein, as I said, a rabbi of the East coast of the United States. Ah, ah.
Q: Are you there with me tonight?
A: Shalom, I am here.
Q: Say, listen, ah, ah, I am filling in here for pastor Bob tonight, and I know we’ve never met but I do have some very interesting questions for you, I think questions that. I want to give you the opportunity to answer to because there is a lot of rumors and conjecture across this country relating to Jewish population, OK?
A: OK.
Q: Now, you see, as being off the synagogue and a teacher of the Jewish race, because, because you ARE a race, aren’t you?
A: Well, some say we are race, some say we are religion.
Q: Yeah, but what do YOU say?
A: Well, a little of each.
Q: Ha, ha, I can imagine, yeah. Now I want to get in into some hard topic here right away here, ah, ah. You know you are very pronounced person among your people, and, of course, you KNOW, you are very aware that I don’t like you or your race, OK. I am sure you are aware of this, right?
A: Eeeh, this is your own problem.
Holocaust of six million Jews
Q: You see, there is a big topic that’s going around on this six million holocaust that took place during World War Two of the Jews at Buchenwald, Auschwitz and different places. A lot of information has come in out here a Rabbi Finkelstein, that, that its all myth and it’s all conjecture. Could I have your view on this?
A: Well, everybody knows that the Jews never told a lie in the history of the world. However, whether it is six million, six hundred thousand or sixty thousand. It’s just a number.
Q: Oh, it’s just a number, but, but, the thing I want to get to you at is that, you know, the 1934 World Encyclopedia stated there was only three and a half million Jews in all of Europe. How did 3.5 million Jews populate themselves to six million? This is the question I want, I like answered.
A: Well, it’s certainly a good question, there is no doubt about it. But, the number, you know, numbers, what can I say numbers. But the important thing is that Jews has always been persecuted all throughout the history of the world forever and still are.
Even when we lie we tell the truth!
Q: Well, the reason they are persecuted cause they are thieves, liars and murderers just like it stated in the book John 8:44. Yet you
A: [interrupting] All that Bible stuff.
Q: You are a lying Jew is what you are. You are a lying Jew!
A: Eeeeh, you could say that, but even when we lie we tell the truth!
Q: Ha, ha. You know, this is very ironic because, you know, I never thought that I would get anyone that had the nerve to join me on a broadcast like this live, and, and, you know, I just got off a program of the retired kernel, a very highly decorated kernel, on my last broadcast, on my original broadcast here, Rabbi Finkelstein, and we got into the banking aspect of the money in this country. Now, everybody, a lot of people who have studied banking and economics – they know that the Federal Reserve system is a private Jewish bank. Is this true?
A: Aaah, well yes and no.
Q: Well, what part is yes?
A: Well, it is banking institution, that’s for sure.
Q: You see, the thing that I don’t like about this is that the Jew never knew what hard word was and they never had, and, besides, you know, this is a nice part about it: you, Jews, are just Christ murderers anyway.
A: Well, that’s, that’s true. We did murder, but he was Jewish too.
Q: Oh, no, he was mighty Yahweh, got into flesh/body. That’s the problem YOU got.
A: Well, we tell all the goyim that they worship a Jew and they believe it, so what’s the difference?
Goyim ARE cattle
Q: And now that you brought up the goyim, we must talk about that. In other words, the goyim, correct me if I am wrong. I know you will. Rabbi Finkelstein, a goyim is any person who isn’t a Jew. A goyim are classified as cattle or an animal. Is this correct?
A: Well, they ARE cattle, because we are the chosen people.
Q: Well, you are chosen for fertiliser. That’s what YOU’RE chosen for. You know, this is what the book of Enoch, the patriarch. Even Yahweh in a flesh body said that ALL of you, Jews, that [3-4 words ineligible], are going to perish for the evil that you have done in this world. You ARE the the destroyers and the incendiaries of the world, are you not?
A: Eeeh, I’ll agree with that.
Q: But you see the thing that really bothers me, not bothers me to the extent of loosing sleep over people like you, is that all wars have been created by Jewry. They’ve been all setup up as a monetary gain. Wouldn’t you agree?
A: It’s, it’s the greatest game in the world – to make some shekels [Israeli currency].
George Bush – a goyim, he is a good boy
Q: Ha, ha. Now, let me ask you this: you know, there is so much things being talked about with George Bush and the White Ho[use]. Let me have your opinion on George Bush and the White House.
A: He is a good goyim.
Q: You alway use a good goyim. Good for [interrupted]
A: He is a good boy. He takes his orders from Ariel over there, and he tells him what to do, and he does it like a good goyim.
Slaughter in Palestine and Iraq
Q: Would you agree that a, when the Balfour Declaration was signed in England, and the Jews were take to Palestine, the land of Palestine, would you agree or disagree that there is actually more killing, and there’s been as much slaughter in Palestine by the Jews slaughtering and killing the Palestinians, as there the Iraqi people being butchered in the last twelve years?
A: Well, who counts them, once in a while you have to thin out the herd. When you own the herd, you got to thin out the herd.
Q: I see, I see. That’s the philosophy of making money and staying alive and staying ahead. Is this right? Now, I like [interrupted]
A: Sure, you take that Iraq business over there. We got, we got the white goyim fighting the other goyim, and they are killing each other, and we are making a lot of money, and we get the oil, and we get the interest, the most important thing is interest on the shekels that we loan both sides.
Q: You mean usury.
A: That’s right. You call it usury.
Q: Now, you know there is a book out that you read, Rabbi Finkelstein, called the Talmud. Now, the Talmud refers to Christ as his mother was a whore, and, he was a bastard, a son of a Roman soldier. Is this what’s being taught in the synagogues?
A: Well, every good Jew knows that.
Q: But you see, the reason that I wanted to ask you this, you know, you just said a little while ago that he was a Jew. A now you say every Jew knows that he was a son of a Roman soldier and his mother was a prostitute.
A: Well, it was a long time ago. Who knows what was said back then.
Federal Reserve – taking over the money machine in the U.S.A.
Q: Ha, ha. Yeah, I guess that’s right, that’s absolute right. You know, we have a real bad problem in our country right now. There is a lot of outsourcing of jobs and deindustrialisation of this country. You know, the seven Jew banking families that took over control of the money in America in 1913 was the Rothschilds of London, Israel Schiff of Italy, Kuhn and Loeb of Germany, the Warburgs of Hamburg, Lehman brothers of New York, Goldman Sax of New York and the Rockefellers of New York.
A lot of people, they do not realise and know that these seven Jewish families actually control all the money and have controlled the money in this country since 1913. I know you are aware of this.
A: Of course.
Q: Now, in doing so, I mean that makes a pretty big purse, doesn’t it?
The goyim are the schleppers – to do all the work
A: Listen, you know, it, it, the, the goyim are the schleppers [A clumsy or stupid person]. You know, they do all the work. That’s what they want to do. They always want jobs. So we give them jobs to work. The jews don’t work.
The holocaust survivors scam
Q: Now, the Jews don’t work, and you are absolutely true. I want to get back to this holocaust, and I want to get back to the holocaust survivors, you know. It’s to the point here, Rabbi Finkelstein, there is more holocaust survivors getting money, getting payments than there were holocaust people who died, allegedly among the Jews. Where did all these people come from?
A: Well, again, you know, they have the evidence, they have the proof that they were there in the holocaust, so they are entitled to some money.
Q: So, in other words, you, Jews, say six million were killed in the concentration camps and yet there is six million that are still receiving funds from Germany and other funding, and, now that’s twelve million. Now, how does twelve million come out of three million?
A: Listen, again, the numbers. You keep arguing about the numbers. The bottom line is that the Jews are entitled because we have been persecuted for thousands and thousands and thousands of years, and so we are entitled. Even a hundred years from now there will be people collecting money on the holocaust. Because of those, that lousy boy, Hitler, over there. He was a bad boy.
The America has served its purpose
Q: Now, let me ask you a question about this, cause this is very important. You know, we’ve got in into a lot of very interesting and we’re going to get into more here in the very near future, but, Rabbi Finkelstein, this country, the United States of America, is in a very deep trouble right now, financially, and, I kinda want to know what you are telling the other Jews on that, in regards to, cause I knew Jews don’t have any loyalty to nothing but gold and silver, especially gold. What the synagogues teach in America today as to the course where this country is heading?
A: Well, its like this. You know, America has served its purpose. For the while we made these shekels here. We’ve made a lot of interest off the shekels. But, we can get cheaper labor in China, we can get cheaper labor in India. Why should we pay the white race goyim here in America any money when we can make a better deal over there? It’s all about shekels.
Q: You know, I want to get into that about shekels and interest and everything, and this is very interesting that you bring it up because I notice that there is a lot of investment by Jewish financiers into Asia, most parts of Asia. Now, I also know that Jewry is an Asiatic race. Is this correct?
A: Well, where we are is all over the world, but, yeah, I guess you could say that we started in Asia.
Q: Yes, that’s [interrupted]
A: [continuing almost inaudible] around China.
Our god is Lucifer
Q: That’s right. Now, the Hebrews didn’t start there, the Israelites didn’t start there. You really have no bearing to being the Hebrews or the Israelites. You are not the dispersed nation [unrecognizable words like “poor o.”] the tribes of Jacob or [unrecognizable words like “surnamed Israh”]. Actually, the con game that you have brought on to this country and the world, for many years, and it’s been a good con, it’s been a good con game – is that, is that you are allegedly gods chosen people.
A: Hey, we ARE god’s chosen people. Its just most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer.
We like the goyim do the work and we have a party
Q: Ha, ha. Your god is GOLD!
A: Yeah, well, that what we like is lots of gold, lots of shekels, some American Express cards, you know. We like to spend and we like to have a good time. We like the goyim do the work and we have a party.
Q: Oh, in other words, free foreign aid, free housing, free food, and you just want the other races be your goyim cattle slaves. Is this correct?
A: That’s what they want, so we let them be that.
Q: And this is what’s planned and coming in this country too, isn’t it, the United States.
Destroying the U.S.A.
A: Well, this country here, we’re gonna [unintelligible, like “brown” or “round”] this country up. We’re bringing all the Mexicans and all the Hispanics across the border. They’re interbreeding, especially with a lot of white women, the shikses as we call them, and they are interbreeding with them. Pretty soon there won’t be a white race, it’ll be all brown.
Q: And talking about race, you are a race, Rabbi Finkelstein, but you are times [unintelligible] 57 Mongol [unintelligible] race, of Asiatic blood, is this correct?
Women like the diamonds, so we give it to them and screw them
A: Well, there is Jews everywhere in the world, we had to breed with all the good loocking women in every country we go into. All the good looking women all they care about is we buy them a few diamonds, not that they worth anything. We marked up in the street up real big. If the truth be known we have so many diamonds that if we loose some diamond you can buy them for the same price as a dozen noses.
But the women, they like the diamonds, they like the face [unintelligible]. So we give the the diamonds in the face [unintelligible], and we make an appointment with them and we have sex with them, and sometimes we marry them cause it does not matter cause when we’ve got ‘em and want a divorces, we just go to one of our fellow Jew judges to get the divorce. We have a Jew lawyer and she’s gonna hire a Jew lawyer. Eh, she’s not gonna make any shekels, but she can try.
About 9/11
Q: Let me ask you this. This is very interesting. This war in Iraq that took place after the alleged towers of 2001, September of 2001, this alleged war, it got very interesting, there were no Jews in them towers. Can you explain that?
A: Well, spiritually there was a lot of Jews in the towers.
Q: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
A: A lot of Jews died in the towers, spiritually.
Q: Oh, I see, there were 3000 Jew that were not at work that day in those towers. That just gave a lot of people the impression that the Jewish population out there in Jew-York, I mean New York, was aware that something was gonna happen and they did not show up for work that day.
A: Yeah, we got a call from the Kehilla [a quasi-governmental authority in Jewish communities of the Middle Ages] that Ariel and some of the boys in the Mossad. They got together and they wired up the buildings, they, they took them down. It was going to be a hard thing to take them down anyway cause we wanted to build some new structures and the buildings were getting old and it was time to bring them down. This way, we make some shekels by destroying the building. Oh, Silverman [unintelligible] was a good friend of mine. They have Larry. He got a two for, he got a two for one there, and he doubled the insurance, magically, just three months before it happened, and he got a two hit [?] on it, so he made like four times his money.
I should have been on a deal. He asked me, but I said: oh, I have to think about it. It took a little too long for me to think about it, and they pulled the plug and pulled it as they say, and so the buildings came down. But, at least I’ve got in on a market, and I got, I shorted, I was short American Airlines, I was short United Airlines, I was short Lloyd’s of London insurance company because they took a big hit, Alliance [?] insurance company, I was short them.
So, I made a few shekels.
Q: Well, let me ask you this. There is a lot of speculation here. You know, I know that the Jews are thieves and liars of any moral society. Now, I want to thank you for coming on tonight and talking to me because I also know there is no conscience among Jewry, and, Rabbi Finkelstein, it does not matter what I say to you. It’s gonna bounce off of you like water of a ducks back, right?
A: Well, Jews always feel guilt. We’ve always felt the guilt. We have the conscience.
The only conscience you have is when you can’t steal all the money from anyone or any country
Q: The only conscience you have is when you can’t steal all the money from anyone or any country.
A: Well, you’re hitting a little close to home, but you’re correct.
Q: Now, a lot of food labels, there is a “U” and a “K”. And this U and K on all the food labels for example, that are sold in supermarkets, etc. It this a Jewish tax that is paid to like rabbis like you all over the United States? Is that another con job at the expense of the goyim, the masses that purchase the product?
You are entitled to make money where you can make money
A: Well, I didn’t get in on that one, but yeah, it’s a lot of other rabbi groups. They tax the food and you could call it a tax. You know, you are entitled to make money where you can make money. If nobody stops you, you make the money.
And a, but the goyim, I mean they are the cattle. The white race out there – they are the goyim, they are the cattle. And so if we want to make money off of feeding our cattle, but who’s to say that that’s wrong?
Q: Well, let me ask you what’s the greatest fear of the people of you have in your syndicates gog [unintelligible, could be synagogues], a Rabbi Finkelstein, what is the greatest fear that the Jewish, that the Jews, en-mass are facing on the East Coast?
A: Well, the worst thing, if we hang around, or all the buddies up there in the Federal Reserve, Allen, Allen up there, he’s gonna pull the plug on this U.S. dollar, and we wanna make sure we are in the Swiss Francs, in Euros there, Japanese Yen, or something before that happens.
We’ll get the call from the Kehilla. We’re liquidating now, little by little. A couple of other goyim, that they are good and paid for shabes goy. A, the Bill Gates fellow from the computer place. And the Warren Buffet. Both of them, they got out of U.S. dollars, about eh, oh, about a year ago or so. We call them, you know, to liquidate. And, a, but we’re still hanging on there. So made some extra interest since they are out of the market. They’ve got a lot of shekels themselves.
Q: I see where you, Jews, have finally taken a National Rifle Association, a Jewess by the name of Sandra Perelman [unintelligible, sounds like Foman] is now president of the National Rifle Association.
A: Well, yeah, but we could go with NRA a long time ago. A, Charlton Heston, he’s not known so much, but yeah, he is a nice Jewish boy. We let him play Moses in the movies, back in the fifties.
Yeah, but we took over the NRA a long ago. All the organizations out there, the Jew controls it. Everybody knows that.
If you are to have any opposition, you will control that opposition
Q: You know, I’ve read in your Talmud where it says that if you are to have any opposition, you will control that opposition.
A: Well, of course. The smartest thing is to own both sides of every game. That way you know the outcome. We own the Republicans, we own the Democrats. We’ve a lot of good Jewish boys on both of them, and the rest of them are good, bought and paid for, shabes goy, and we throw a few shekels into their campaign contributions that we give them and, a Jewish lobby in Israel, and they, you know they take the money and they do what we want so that we could make some shekels.
If nobody stops it, who is to say we should not be doing it. Don’t you wish you could do it? You’re not doing it, we’re doing it.
Q: Yeah, but you’re thieves and lairs, you know, you are all thieves and liars, just like it says in St. John 8:44. But you see, Rabbi Finkelstein, you don’t own me and you don’t control me and you don’t control the racial identity movement in this country, who really understands to a varying degree of what you people are and what you’ve done.
A: Well, that’s true. You’re one of those goyim out there we don’t control, but I’ll tell you a little of something else. We all respect you for what you do ’cause at least you say about your race. But the rest of them out there – all a bunch of cowards, all the white race goyim, all the men.
The most of them these, they, they carry purses and they wear earrings. There is no wonder all the white girls come to us, all the shikses.
Q: You know, I had a conversation here, not long ago, with an individual, and [it] got into the feminist homosexual agenda in the United States, and I told them that actually the sexist, homosexual agenda was actually created and funded by Jewry, by Jews in the United States. What, you want to discuss on that?
The woman’s rights movement
A: Yeah, we got that going back in the early 1900’s. The woman’s rights movement we started off. See, you got to think of game and you got to think of goal. You can’t go in like a Sherman tank going through something. You got to start a little small. And so we said: hey, how about you get people pay for equal work. Eh, and have their right to vote. And everybody bought into that. And we started with the women because its hard to get the men. The women is the weaker sex as we know from that old Adam and Eve story of yours.
But, at any rate, we got the women going, and now look at all the women. Most all of them around the world, especially here in America, they’ve got short hair, they’ve got a schwatzer for a boyfriend, they’ve got a lesbian lover. They’re married by the time their forty, but then they can’t have too many of little children themselves because they already ruined those years chasing the all-mighty gold, the dollar, the shekel, and they, so they’re gonna wind up a bunch of old maids cause nobody wants them.
But, the bottom line is that, that the real good looking ones, we take to the Hollywood that we own, and we make them think [the rest of the sentence is unrecognizable].
Q: I see, well, Rabbi Finkelstein, you know I was talking to you about the use on the case, that’s on the food boxes and the food sources. And that thing that I want is that this is a private Jewish tax that people unsuspectingly are paying, aren’t they?
A: Well, some know and some don’t, but they better pay, because if they don’t pay they don’t get the item, and the rabbis need to make some shekels too.
Q: You know, I was talking to some person who journeyed to Israel. And the United States has always been known as the land of milk and honey. They say over there ah, ah, the United States is the land of milk and money. Would you like to relate to that?
The bottom line is that the Jews formed the U.S.A.
A: Well, what’s in the saying, what can I say? A lot of people here in America, they still keep screaming about those 55 guys that they say formed the company, the country a couple of hundred years ago. But the bottom line is that the Jews formed the country. We came over here. 1492 was that terrible year we got kicked out of Spain, and Columbus, who was a Jew, found [unrecognizable] that out to take us over here. We were going to set up at Rio and then we decided to go to New York, cause New York has a little bit better weather, not so many mosquitoes. It was a little bit better.
So we set up in New York and we make the money.
We’ve made about 300 billion on Iraq
Q: I was gonna ask you, ah, this war in Iraq, there is a lot of Jew money invested in this war, isn’t there?
A: Well, we have all the ammunition companies, we own all the aircraft companies, all the gun manufacturers, all the supplies. Ah, we’re making a lot of money, and George Bush – he’s a good goyim. He borrows it right from the Federal Reserve, and, they, he has to tax the people to pay back the interest ’cause the most important part of a loan is the interest. You must pay back the interest. We’re not concerned with the principal. But the interest has to keep going on.
And we’ve done pretty well with Iraq so far. We’ve got about 300 billion or so. And ah, but this war is gonna go on for another 30 years, as George said. We told him to keep it quiet, and, and, shut up and don’t act like a, like a big shot. But he kept talking, and so. But this war is gonna go on for another 30 years.
We’re going to go into may be 60 countries or so. We’re going to be dropping all the goyim here soon. The men, the women. The women don’t want to sit home and have families anyways. They’ve got to have a career. That’s a nice, exciting thing for a woman – to put on a green suit to go over there and shoot people and get shot at. Must be exciting to them.
Ah, so, we’re making a lot of money.
Q: You know this is very interesting. Well, Rabbi Finkelstein, it’s really good talking to you and I am sure the listening audience here on the Turner radio network is listening very intently because a lot of things have been exposed, some more exposed than others. But, you know, at least you’re coming out and you’re telling the truth.
And, you know, you stated we have $300 billion tied up in Iraq with interest, and what’s 1700 to 3000 dead bodies compared to how much money you make?
You have to thin out the herd once in a while
A: Well, but you have to thin out the herd once in a while. Otherwise the herd gets too big. If the herd gets too big, they eat up all the resources. So, you got to thin out the herd once in a while. We call that theater of war, because it is amusing to us that our two biggest enemies, the white race and the Arab race, to, to see that the women, it’s, it’s amusing to us to see them kill each other and we make a lot of money off it.
Believe me, I got a lot of loss at the synagogue with that.
Q: Well, we’ve got a break here coming up in about a minute I believe, and you’re listening to the John 8:44 program, a pastor Bob, entitled the lying Jews, on the Turner radio network. I am James Wickstrom and a teacher of Yahweh, and, as a guest on paster Bob’s program tonight is Rabbi Finkelstein on the East coast of the United States. We’re going to be coming back to you after this break, just hold your chair and hold your place, we’ll be back in just one moment.
I’d like to welcome you back to the pastor Bob’s broadcast tonight on the Turner radio network on John 8:44. I am James Wickstrom and a teacher of Yahweh sitting in for Bob tonight, and I want to thank him for covering for me last week a broadcast the lying Jews.
Really interesting and I have one on here with no coincidence here, but he’s coming up and at least telling the truth to what’s going on in the country is Rabbi Finkelstein from the East coast of the United States. Rabbi Finkelstein, are you still there?
A: I am here and remember: there has never been a Jew in the history of the world that ever told a lie. We always tell the truth.
Q: Yes, I see, I know what your truth is – your truth to you is a lie to us, but, but, that’s fine.
Russian revolution
I’d like to get into the situation that took place years ago. I know you’re well aware of it. It was called the Bolshevik revolution over in Christian Russia. It’s been reported here on congressional documents in the United States and it’s in many places now, that, actually, it was Jews who financed the Bolsheviks – Jew communist revolution against the Tsar. Would you comment on that?
A: Well, it was really the Rothschild family that financed it ’cause they’ve got all the shekels. Oy, let me tell you, they’ve got the shekels. When the old man died in 1812, he owned half of the known wealth in the world. Oy, Wei!
The rest of us got a chop off the rest of it. But, anyway, we started the Bolshevik revolution there because you might as well start with taking over the biggest country in the world, which was Russia, and we got the help to murder the Tsar from his cousins, the Kaiser and the king and queen of England, and, so they helped us and they gave us all the inside information that we needed to take the country over. But we drained that country pretty well. There’s not a lot left, and so we looked for greener pastures, and we’ve been doing real good here in America for a long time.
We’re gonna build up China and India, and we’ll just let America sink into the desert
But, it’s time to do something else, so we’re gonna build up China and India, and we’ll just let America sink into the desert because no one really cares about America any more. It’s a, you know, there’s not much shekels to be made any more, you know, as they say: you can’t get blood out of the stone to work up as much blood out of this stone as we’re gonna get [fast and unintelligible].
Q: You know what’s interesting because I’m glad you brought that up because this country is in great despair here. I’d like to know it was very crafty on your Kehilla [Kahal, Kagan?] and the main sources of Jewish power, financial and political power, how they totally control most of the federal agencies in the district of Columbia.
We know how to get the word out to every Jew in the world within 45 minutes
A: Well, it is really simple. You know, the Kehilla is the inside for us, rabbis. We know how to get the word out to every Jew in the world, that goes to a synagogue, within 45 minutes. All the other presses, the news media, the television, the radio, the magazines, we own all those anyway, so, that trickles down, but by the time masses get it, it’s too late to make any decision. We already made the decision for them.
Q: You know what’s interesting, with trouble looming on the horizon in the United States, you know, there is a lot of white people, white people like me of European ancestry who don’t really know what’s going on, and there’s a large percentage of Jews in this country, who don’t know what’s going on either. They’re gonna be cannon fodder too, aren’t they?
A: Eh, there’s few at the bottom that don’t go to the synagogue, but, they, they, they know they hear that, you know, with parties, we discuss it, you know, how we’re gonna wipe out the white race and wipe out the other race. Actually, let them wipe out each other and make us a lot of money – that’s pretty smart.
We want the world of our own, and there’s nothing any of the goyim cattle are gonna do to stop us
You know, us, Jews, we’re pretty smart guys. I know that actually we’ll get all the rest of their countries around the world. They’ll wipe each other out. Because us, Jews – we are SPECIAL. We are the chosen people. And we are the smartest people in the world and have always said, down through the ages – we want a world of our own.
And we’re gonna get it, and there’s nothing any of the goyim cattle are gonna do to stop us. [unintelligible exclamation, sounding like “wha khayem”]
Where do the blacks fit in?
Q: So, you see, you see, its very interesting that you should bring all of this because where do the blacks fit in. I know that you use them. They’ve been part of the Jewish communist party in the United States, a majority, a vast majority. Ow, what’s gonna be their end when this is all over?
A: Well, the schwatzers, let the truth be known, came here with our father, Lucifer, 75 thousand years ago, when he lost that battle. Only temporarily though, in the heavens, ’cause we’re on a comeback. We are the comeback kids if there ever was one.
We’re making a lot of money selling the drugs
But, all the, ah, all the schwatzers – eh, what can you say? You know, they’ve got a good time step, they dance good, couple of them can sing. They make some nice barbecue, and they’re good for selling drugs to cause they all love the drugs, so we’re making a lot of money selling the drugs.
You do know that we control all the drug world, and now, since Rothschild, the opium wars in China going, we may control in the drugs of a subset [the whole phrase is not intelligible]. We want a few in here and there to make some money, and they get arrested and they go up the jail for that. But we make the big money. We are the wholesalers. We are the wholesalers of everything in the world!
Joe [?], it’s very interesting you should bring that up because, you know, prior to Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his Eleanore, his first cousin, who was also a Jewess [interrupted on the background with – “they are both Jews”], yes, they were both Jews, and its very interesting, until they’ve got in office, the Jews had control of the money, but they, but they didn’t have control or a good foothold in Washington, DC, did they?
We had control since the civil war. Rothschild, he backed both sides of the civil war
A: No, we had control since the civil war. That, Rothschild, he backed both sides of the civil war, and when the smoke cleared, he was getting shekels from both of them, lots of it since they’re never going to be able to pay back the war debt. We’re really controlling them. Basically, what we’ve been doing is consolidating.
I’ll tell you something about that Eleanore girl – she got the face that would stop a clock.
Q: Ha, ha, a train!
A: And a train too.
Q: Now, as we talk about conditions in this country, Rabbi Finkelstein, the people know that their standard of living being, it’s not meticulously being destroyed now. It’s coming by chunks, it’s coming by large gouges at this time, total industrial plants, automotive plants are being shut down, 1500 to a 3000 in a plant are loosing their livelihood, it’s just a matter of time, isn’t there?
All we want them do is make a subsidence living, they could never afford to buy a house on their own
A: Well, of course, but all they really ever had anyway, once you give up working for yourself and you work for somebody else, you are a slave to that person. What you’re doing is actually – he is not paying YOU money, but all the labor that you’re doing – you’re giving him a piece of the action. And when you give him a piece of the action, you are making HIM the rich guy – not you.
So, all we want them do is make a subsidence living. They could never afford to buy a house on their own. We got to give them a payment plan. Of course, we do them a favor, and so we collect a little interest for that, about three houses for every one that we sell them.
But, you have to be in business for yourself. If you’re not in business for yourself then you never have a chance to make any money. You’re gonna be a working stiff, a slave, a serf. You are schlepper.
Q: Rabbi Finkelstein, you’re very brazing tonight, and I, I’m really surprised of how truthful that you’ve been in answering my point-blank questions. Why is it hard for… Why do the Jews feel, or is this just a paranoid, schizophrenic feeling that everyone in this country is, looking at them, want to do things to them and stuff like that?
They better not look too hard at us and accuse us, cause that’s anti-Semitism and we control the court system
A: Well, they better not look too hard at us and accuse us, cause that’s anti-Semitism, and if you, we catch you at anti-Semitism, we control the book at you. Remember, we control the court system, all the Jew judges, the Jew layers, the Jew prosecutors, and we wrote most of the law. Not us necessarily, but we pay goyim in Washington, DC., the democrats and the republicans.
They sit around and we have them write up laws. We tell them what to do and they put it on the paper. We don’t actually do the work.
Q: Actually, two individuals that come from two opposite parts of this planet, you, Rabbi Finkelstein, and yours truly James Wickstrom. You know, we are on two totally opposite sides of this planet, and both of us have two totally different wants and needs and desires against one another, and yet, here we are, sitting here tonight live on the Turner radio network, discoursing about people, discoursing about things, being honest and truthful, and telling the truth to the masses.
But you know, the masses have a hard time believing anything.
Jewish Passover and ritual sacrifice of children
A: Well, we’ve got a great brainwashing job on them over the centuries, and especially the last few hundred years. We just [unintelligible, sounding like “raid our send”] completely. They believe anything we tell them. And ah, you know, if I mean [unintelligible], we have a lot of fun around passover when we steal their children.
And ah, you know we are, I know you know, cause I’ve got it on your show before, I mean we steal a hundred to three hundred thousand children a year just in this country. And we drain the blood and we mix it with a Passover bread, and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburgers.
McDonald’s is one of our favorite outlets, and the, the people that eat out for breakfast, they [unintelligible, like “eat out their”] children for lunch, and, you know, us Jews, we’ve got to do what we do. The most important thing to remember between you, Pastor Wickstrom and me, rabbi Finkelstein, at New York, that we both have two fathers, and so that’s why we look at the world in two different ways.
Q: And we know that there’s a massive collision that’s gonna take place between two forces, don’t we?
A: Well, that’s what your books says. Our books says that we’re going to take over the world!
Q: Well, I look at you.
A: And we are doing a pretty good job right now.
Q: Yes, you’ve done a pretty good job but you know there is quite an awakening coming, and, my father, who is not your father, my father Yahweh, who isn’t your father, of course your father, who’s talked about by my father in John 8:44, stating that your father was Satan and you’re the descendant of Kane, who was the first murderer, and you know that’s true because that is what you teach in your synagogue.
We can do whatever we want to do and we can get away with it cause the white men are cowards
A: Well, that’s true, but it’s not for you goyim to know, but right now it’s too late. It’s over for your white race. So, that’s why I am speaking so honestly here – to bring it out into the open so that you can see it for what it is.
You’ve been teaching the people real good. But they don’t wake up, do they? You don’t get a lot of followers, do they? Because you know why? They are scared of us, Jews. Because they don’t want to be called anti-Semites. And they believe we’re the chosen people. And so that’s why we can do whatever we want to do and we can get away with it ’cause the white men are cowards. And we go to the synagogue all the time and [next 4-5 words are unintelligible, sounding like “have some man and shove it”] and say “hava nagila”.
We did a pretty good job with the public school system
Q: You know that’s interesting, I’ve told people for years and years, it’s not that you, Jews, are hiding anything. You’re coming right over the television and the newspapers, on the radio, and you’re telling the people what exactly what you’re gonna do, before you do it, and they’re like they are brain-dead.
A: Well, we did a pretty good job with the public school system. We’ve got you to put all of your children in there. You notice that the Jew does not put his children in there. They go to the Hebrew academy where we teach them the real things and then they go to the synagogue and learn the real important things.
But we send your kids to the public school. We even have you tax yourself from your property, so that you never own your property. And, so, if you don’t make your property tax, we’re gonna take your property, you can bet on that.
And we have you put your kid in a twelve year babysitting, is about all it does cause you don’t learn anything in them, and by that time, the kids, they get to be teenagers and then we give them the music. Not that we really wanna call it music, ’cause, oy, vei, that’s not music. But they listen to that and then they wanna do what they wanna do, and so we sell them drugs.
We make a lot of money off your children. Your children from cradle to grave – all we do is make money off of them. You are cattle. You are goyim – the human cattle, muzzletuff.
Q: You know, it’s interesting, ha. Yes, I know what you call us, but I, but you know, you may call me goyim, but I call you devil. But you know I am going to be calling you a good name because that’s what you are.
A: Well, that’s true.
Q: Now, you see, Rabbi Finkelstein, in your synagogue out there in New York, do you have a lot of in-fighting with the other Jews, the orthodox Jews and the other Jews. I mean, is there a lot of in-fighting for the money out there in New York. I’ve heard there is a big inner war going on now with Jewry.
A: Well, we fight a little bit and we argue a little bit. Of course, that the two most important things we do is complain and get the guilt, and so what we do is we’re not really fighting among ourselves cause we both are gonna make a lot of money. It’s just who’s gonna make a little more on this deal and who’s gonna make a little more on that deal.
God made gentiles because somebody has to pay retail
The bottom line though is we have the goyim. The goyim does all the work, the goyim makes all the stuff. He sells it to us for pennies. We’re the wholesalers, we are the middle men. We mark it way up and sell it to the other goyim on the retail side. There is an old saying in Yiddish that God made gentiles because somebody has to pay retail. It’s not gonna be the Jew, for sure. The Jew does not pay the retail. It’s the goyim that pay the retail. We buy wholesale.
You are eating your children in sausages and hamburgers
Q: Well, that’s very interesting. I understand that. But I also know the bloodletting. I know that on your Passover, which isn’t mine, that a lot of little children do disappear, and I do know that, and I know a lot of police departments and agencies have been informed. But, you’re very open, you’re very open tonight. I am very surprised that you are talking about the bloodletting of the little children that you put their blood in the Matza [Matzo bread] balls and that you eat it on sacrifice on Passover.
A: Well, there is a goyim that wrote a book about it back in the 30’s. I forget his name at the moment. But, anyway, he wrote the book, ah, people didn’t buy the book. People don’t want to listen. We’ve been doing this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Adam’s time.
So, we take the children of our enemy, which is a white race and we bring them to the basements in the synagogues, where we drain the blood and watch them die there. It’s very similar to how we do the sacrifices that we do with a kosher butchering, and so we do that. And then we mix it with a Passover bread, and so we eat the blood of our enemies.
And the bodies, eh, we are not cannibals. So, what we do is we take those ’cause we can make some shekels, and we give them to the slaughter houses, and there’s a pounds and pounds and pounds of meat that we grind up in a sausage and a hamburger and that’s why we make those the most popular things – sausage for breakfast and a hamburger for lunch, and so all the goyim out there are eating their children. And, even when we say this outright and tell you, people, you don’t believe it. So, that’s, that’s your problem.
Q: You know, I’ve got a question, I, I, ha, yes, it is a problem. But you see, I’ve always wandered how did you, Jews, ever get control of the i.e. Christian churches in this country. It always baffled me to a varying degree, Rabbi Finkelstein. You know, you of your synagogue out there in New York on the east coast. But I am wondering how did you ever totally get control of these Christian churches, who at one time told their congregations to stay away from you, Jews? How did that happen?
We infiltrate the church and we attack them first
A: Well, you know, our father, Lucifer, the number one thing, is all the organisations out there are, on the Earth, that we would want to infiltrate and take over of you, goyim, obviously, would be the churches. So we attack them first and we attack them most. And we infiltrated the Catholic church right from the beginning. Why do you think the Popes and all the cardinals and the bishops wear yamaka [Jewish religious cover on a head]?
The white race never figures this out. And so, then we took all your books that have all the scriptures in there and we burned them, and then we wrote them in Latin, so that you couldn’t understand them, but we understood Latin, cause we are Jews and we are smart and we are educated.
But you, goyim out there, you never, you never teach yourself. You don’t self-teach. You’re always looking for somebody else to do it for you. So, you wind up being schleppers all your lives. And so, anyway, the thousand years later, when a bunch of the white race started to wake up in Europe and they started to leave the Catholic church. It was a terrible time because we were not making as many shekels as we used to. So, we had to put a stop to it.
So, the kings that we had in our hip pocket, just like the politicians in Washington, DC., today, we paid them off to get you declared heretics, so that they would crucify you and kill you.
Plan “B” – we formed the Jesuits to infiltrate all the protestant churches
But there was too many of you, and the West was opening up, when the Jews opened up New York and Rio and everybody started going West, to the Americas, and so we had to come up with the plan “B”, and plan “B” we formed the Jesuits.
He was a nice boy that didn’t know how to [unintelligible, sounds like “slow over” or “roll over”]. More over, he started the Jesuits, and so they decided to infiltrate all the protestant churches out there, and there is always us, Jews, work out way to the top. And then we take over the money line, the shekel line, the most important line – the life line, the gold, and so we took that over.
And so, slowly but surely, we teach the teachings, change them a little bit to where it’s all run by the Catholic church again, the mother church. It’s your mother, but the father church is the synagogues in Israel and the synagogues in New York.
Ethiopic Jews are nothing but the schwatzers – pay us a few dollars and we teach you how to be a Jew
Q: You know, this is most interesting, there was a report just recently, oh, couple months ago, here, Rabbi Finkelstein, of Ethiopic Jews in Israel land. These are black Jews. And the Jews in Israel did not want them there, and the Ethiopian, the black Jews said: oh no, we’re Jews, we belong here too. Well, how does this [unintelligible, sounds like “folk to them”], well how are these black Jews and the Jews over in Israel did not want them. Where they kind of like a disgrace or what?
A: Well, who wants a bunch of schwatzers in your land? You don’t want the schwatzers in there. There are some rabbis that went down to Euphoria and they said: oh, we like to be Jews too. We laugh and we said: OK, pay us a few dollars and we teach you how to be a Jew.
So, there were a few rabbis that made some money there, in Ethiopia. But every Jew knows that a schwatzer can never be a Jew. And we don’t want them dirtying up the neighborhood, in Israel. We give them the neighborhoods here in America. We give them the white women to mate with to destroy both races and [some expression in Yiddish, sounding like “gezi gezel gevelt ga haya”], what can I say?
Elisabeth Tailor – a good goyim schiksa donating a lot of money to the synagogue
Q: Well, in other words it’s like Elisabeth Tailor now. She was a white woman and yet she said she took on the ways of Jewry. How does this fit in?
A: Well, she married a nice Jewish boy named Eddie Fisher and they had daughter named Kathy Fisher, and so, she donates a lot of money to the synagogue. She is a good goyim schiksa and she thinks she is Jewish. She can think what she wants. Hopefully, she’ll give lots of money to our synagogue when she dies, which should be soon cause she does not look like she is in too good health.
Q: Rabbi Finkelstein, we’re coming down on time here. But I wanted to get into this because you know, YOU and I are at war. The war actually is between the children of white race, the children of Seth, and the children of Kain, which you are, and we know that this has been written in Aramaic and in all the ancient texts, you know this as well as I, that only one races is gonna survive on the face of this Earth, and you KNOW it’s the white race.
A: Well, that’s what your book says. Our book, the Talmud, says we’re gonna rule and we’re gonna have a world of our own, and we’re gonna go out into space, and we’re gonna have a war with your father, and we’re gonna win this time.
Who borrows is a slave to the lender
Q: Well, that’s gonna be most interesting, but until then, the masses continue to awaken in many aspects in this country and white Europe. You know, all of Rothschild’s banks control the white nations and have perverted the nation, but amazes me how you penetrated into the Federal Agencies, like the FBI and the National Security Agency, and how you have all these blockers and protectors in that.
A: It’s very easy to take over a government when you are a bank. Because the government has to borrow money from a bank. And once they borrow money, as it says even in your books, as it says in ours, who borrows is a slave to the lender, and so this government in here, in America, is a slave to the Federal Reserve system, which is Rothschild’s bank. But the few of us, other Jews make a few shekels off of it.
And, the politicians that we put in charge – they all take bribes. They are all a bunch of peiveits [perverts]. They like to drink and they like to take the drugs and they like to do the fagalo [faggot?] things with fagalos. Eh, so, that’s what’s they do and it is very easy to control the government.
The hardest thing was penetrating the churches, cause there used to be a few good preachers in there, but, over time, us Jews – we’re so smart, we’re the chosen people, we always infiltrate and take over everything, and everything there is out there today, we own and we control.
Is communism Jewish?
Q: I like to ask you this question before we get off the air. We’ve got about two minutes. A point blank question:
Is communism Jewish?
A: Of course! Karl Marx, Moses Mordechai Levi, who had a couple of grandfathers that were Jewish, he was the one who created it, along with Engels. He was another nice Jewish boy. And we implemented it and got that started in Russia. It was the great [unintelligible, like “fill” or “bill”] of goods to sell to masses.
We tell them: hey, you are here at the bottom. How would you like to be equal, everybody be equal? They thought they were gonna come up, but we brought the rich ones down to their level and we took all the money, and we run it, and they are all a bunch of schleppers.
And we make the shekels, and we are the masters of the world, and all the goyim are just human cattle.
Q: Well, I know, Rabbi Finkelstein, I know that all of you, Jews, are gonna die. It’s written by Yahweh.
I’m glad you got on here and told the truth to the listening audience. You’ve been listening to John 8:44 of Paster Bob, program. I am sitting in for him.
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